KLRD staff members coordinate and help plan interim committee meetings and certain commissions and task forces that meet throughout the year.
During the regular legislative session, standing committees are coordinated and planned by committee assistants, who should be contacted through the office of the standing committee's chairperson.
Standing Committees are established by statute or by House or Senate Leadership that meet during the regular legislative session.
Interim Committees are either established by statute and meet outside the regular legislative session (e.g. joint committees, oversight committees, commissions, and task forces) or are created by Legislative Coordinating Council to review specified topics and legislation during the Interim.
Resources Agenda/Minutes Report
Sen. David Haley
Sen. Rick Wilborn
Rep. Gail Finney
Rep. Stephen Owens, Vice-chairperson
Non-Legislative Members
Marc Bennett, Chairperson (District Attorney from an Urban Area)
Chief Todd Ackerman, (Police Chief Representative)
Jennifer Baysinger (Criminal Justice Reform Advocate)
Honorable Glenn Braun (District Judge)
Sheriff Bill Carr (Sheriff Representative)
Honorable Marty Clark (District Magistrate Judge)
Professor John Francis (Professor of Law, Washburn University School of Law)
Chris Mechler (Judicial Branch Court Services)
Tabitha Owen (County Attorney from a Rural Area)
Sylvia Penner (Criminal Defense Attorney)
Bill Persinger (Mental Health Professional)
Professor Jean Phillips (Professor of Law, University of Kansas School of Law)
Pastor Adrion Roberson (Faith-based Community Representative)
Brenda Salvati (Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Provider Representative, SB 123 Program)
Shelly Williams (Community Corrections Representative)
Kansas Legislative Research Dept.
Jordan Milholland
Robert Gallimore
Norma Volkmer
Office of Revisor of Statutes
Natalie Scott
Jason Thompson
Jenna Moyer
Connie Bahner, Committee Assistant
The Commission is directed to:
- Analyze the sentencing guideline grids for drug and nondrug crimes and
recommend legislation to ensure appropriate sentences;
- Review sentences imposed for criminal conduct to determine proportionality
compared to sentences for other criminal offenses;
- Analyze diversion programs and recommend options to expand diversion
programs and implement statewide standards;
- Review community supervision levels and programming available for those
serving sentences for felony convictions;
- Study and make recommendations for specialty courts statewide;
- Survey and make recommendations regarding available evidence-based
programming for offenders in correctional facilities and in the community;
- Study Department of Corrections policies for placement of offenders and make
recommendations for specialty facilities, to include geriatric, healthcare, and substance abuse facilities; and
- Evaluate existing information management data systems and recommend
improvements that will allow criminal justice agencies to more efficiently evaluate and monitor the efficacy of the criminal justice system.
(Note: The facilitator of the Commission, in coordination with the Office of Revisor of Statutes and the Kansas Legislative Research Department, is statutorily required to call the first organizational meeting of the Commission during August 2019.)
Approved Meeting Days: 1 day
2019 Committees
2019 Approved Interim Committees
2019 Interim Committee Memberships
Interim Calendar
Preliminary Interim Committee Recommendations
Statutory Joint Committees
Special Committees
Other Task Forces, Commissions, Committees