KLRD staff members coordinate and help plan interim committee meetings and certain commissions and task forces that meet throughout the year.
During the regular legislative session, standing committees are coordinated and planned by committee assistants, who should be contacted through the office of the standing committee's chairperson.
Standing Committees are established by statute or by House or Senate Leadership that meet during the regular legislative session.
Interim Committees are either established by statute and meet outside the regular legislative session (e.g. joint committees, oversight committees, commissions, and task forces) or are created by Legislative Coordinating Council to review specified topics and legislation during the Interim.
Agenda Minutes Report
Sen. Ty Masterson
Sen. Jim Denning
Sen. Laura Kelly
Rep. Gene Suellentrop
Rep. Jerry Henry
Rep. Marvin Kleeb
Rep. Ron Ryckman, Jr.
Kansas Legislative Research Dept.
J.G. Scott
Dylan Dear
Bobbi Mariani
Fiscal Staff
Office of Revisor of Statutes
Jill Wolters
Nobuko Folmsbee
David Wiese
Nick Myers
Compile Fiscal Information and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Budget,
Revenues, and Expenditures; Study Human Services Caseloads; Study the Impact of
KanCare; Review the Budget and Programs of the Department of Education; Review
the Technical Education Program; and Study the New GED Accelerator Program at the
Board of Regents
The Legislative Budget Committee is statutorily directed to:
Compile fiscal information, study and make recommendations on the
state budget, revenues and expenditures, the organization and functions
of the state, its departments, subdivisions and agencies with a view of
reducing the cost of sate government and increasing efficiency and
Other topics that are being requested include:
- Study human services caseloads, historic trends, and the impact of KanCare;
- Review the budget and programs of the Department of Education;
- Review the Technical Education program’s projected use and expenditures,
actual costs, and outcomes; and
- Study the new GED Accelerator program at the Board of Regents and its
projected use and outcomes.
Approved Meeting Days: 4 days
2014 Interim Information
Statutory Joint Committees
Special Committees
Other Task Forces, Commissions, Committees