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KLRD staff members coordinate and help plan interim committee meetings and certain commissions and task forces that meet throughout the year.

During the regular legislative session, standing committees are coordinated and planned by committee assistants, who should be contacted through the office of the standing committee's chairperson.

Standing Committees are established by statute or by House or Senate Leadership that meet during the regular legislative session.

Interim Committees are either established by statute and meet outside the regular legislative session (e.g. joint committees, oversight committees, commissions, and task forces) or are created by Legislative Coordinating Council to review specified topics and legislation during the Interim.



 Agenda           Minutes            Report

Sen. Jim Denning, Chairperson
Sen. Mitch Holmes
Sen. Laura Kelly
Sen. Caryn Tyson

Rep. J. R. Claeys, Vice-chairperson
Rep. Pete DeGraaf
Rep. Nancy Lusk
Rep. Charles Macheers
Rep. Jack Thimesch

Kansas Legislative Research Dept.
David Fye
Erica Haas
Iraida Orr
James Fisher

Office of Revisor of Statutes
David Wiese
Norm Furse
Kyle Hamilton


Study of Various Issues Regarding Larned State Hospital and Oswatomie State Hospital

     Study various issues regarding Larned State Hospital and Osawatomie State Hospitals. The Committee’s study includes the following:

  • Monitor the patient populations and review and study the activities and plans of the treatment programs and correlation to patient outcomes;

  • Tour each state psychiatric hospital, considering the evaluating facility issues relating to plan management and safety;

  • Review and study the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) policies relating to each state psychiatric hospital;

  • Review and study KDADS responsiveness and efforts in identifying and resolving issues relating to facility, staff, and patients;

  • Review and study KDADS staffing and policies relating to staffing, recruitment, retention, employee morale, and employee relations issues;

  • Review and identify patient and employee safety concerns; and

  • Review and study any other issues brought to the attention of the Committee concerning state psychiatric hospital oversight.

Approved Meeting Days: 4 days, including travel to each hospital

2016 Interim Information
Approved Topics Memo
Approved Days Listing
Interim Calendar
Interim Committee Membership
Committee Reports to the 2017 Legislature
Committee Reports to the 2017 Legislature-Supplement

Statutory Joint Committees Special Committees Other Task Forces, Commissions, Committees

Role of the Committees

Role of KLRD - Session

Role of KLRD - Interim

Committee Archive

2014 Interim Committees

2015 Interim Committees

2017 Interim Committees

2018 Interim Committees

Subject Index Interim Committee Reports

Kansas Legislative Research Department - Room 68-W State Capitol Building, 300 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1504 -- Phone (785) 296-3181 -- kslegres@klrd.ks.gov