KLRD staff members coordinate and help plan interim committee meetings and certain commissions and task forces that meet throughout the year.
During the regular legislative session, standing committees are coordinated and planned by committee assistants, who should be contacted through the office of the standing committee's chairperson.
Standing Committees are established by statute or by House or Senate Leadership that meet during the regular legislative session.
Interim Committees are either established by statute and meet outside the regular legislative session (e.g. joint committees, oversight committees, commissions, and task forces) or are created by Legislative Coordinating Council to review specified topics and legislation during the Interim.
Agenda Minutes Report
Sen. Rob Olson, Chairperson
Sen. Tom Hawk
Sen. Mike Petersen
Rep. Joe Seiwert, Vice-chairperson
Rep. Randy Garber
Rep. Annie Kuether
Rep. Mark Schreiber
Kansas Legislative Research Dept.
Erica Haas
Heather O'Hara
James Fisher
Office of Revisor of Statutes
Matt Sterling
Nick Myers
Study and Make Recommendations Regarding Rural Broadband Deployment
The Committee is directed to identify ways to get broadband services deployed to all Kansans at affordable rates, including, but not limited to, discussion of the following topics:
- Consider incentives for broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas of the state;
- Consider whether guidelines should exist regarding overbuilding an existing provider in order to reach and affordably serve unserved and underserved Kansans;
- Define unserved and underserved in terms of broadband speeds, affordability, length of time a digital divide between urban and rural areas should exist because advanced delivery technologies are not installed;
- Establish what technologies should be supported as appropriate to deliver reliable, affordable broadband in Kansas; and
- Identify what actions the state can take to facilitate development of competitive broadband markets in rural areas, including incentives for partnerships between communities, rural electric cooperatives, incumbent providers, and alternative providers.
Approved Meeting Days: 2 days
2017 Interim Information
Approved Topics Memo
Approved Days Listing
Interim Calendar
Interim Committee Membership
Committee Reports to the 2018 Legislature
Committee Reports to the 2018 Legislature-Supplement
Statutory Joint Committees
Special Committees
Other Task Forces, Commissions, Committees