2021 Special Committee on Education
Agenda/Minutes •
Report (PDF)
Senate | House |
Senator Molly Baumgardner, Vice Chairperson
Senator Renee Erickson
Senator Michael Fagg
Senator Alicia Straub
Senator Dinah Sykes
Representative Kristey Williams, Chairperson
Representative Valdenia Winn, Ranking Minority Member
Representative Kyle Hoffman
Representative Jo Ella Hoye
Representative Steve Huebert
Representative Adam Thomas
Kansas Legislative Research Dept. | |
Matthew Willis
Jessa Farmer
Committee Assistant | |
Deborah Bremer
| |
The Kansas Constitution states that the "Legislature shall provide for intellectual,
educational, vocational, and scientific improvement by establishing and maintaining public
schools." The Kansas Supreme Court, in Gannon IV, charged the Legislature to fund schools at
an adequate level that ensured all Kansas public school students met academic standards. The
Committee will examine the issue of academic achievement in K-12 education by reviewing the
following topics:
- Funding increases approved under the Gannon decisions;
- Legislation related to longitudinal reporting from 2015 to 2021;
- Kansas State Department of Education rules and regulations updates in 2021 related to achievement;
- The State Board of Education's legislation priorities for the 2022 session;
- Kansas State Department of Education priorities from the 50-stop Success Tour;
- Achievement expectations and funding for at-risk students; and
- Constitutional roles of the Legislature, State Board of Education, and local school boards.
Approved Meeting Days: 2 days