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2021 Special Committee on the 30 x 30 Federal Initiative
Agenda/Minutes • Report
Senate | House |
Sen. Dan Kerschen, Vice Chair
Sen. Rick Billinger
Sen. Mike Petersen
Sen. Kellie Warren
Rep. Ken Rahjes, Chair
Rep. Doug Blex
Rep. Sydney Carlin
Rep. Ron Highland
Rep. Joe Newland
Rep. Lindsay Vaughn
Kansas Legislative Research Dept. | Office of Revisor of Statutes |
Meredith Fry
Heather O'Hara
Kyle Hamilton
Amelia Kovar-Donohue
Tamera Lawrence
Committee Assistant | |
| |
Study Topic
The Committee is directed to:
- Study the federal 30x30 conservation initiative, which proposes achieving the goal of conserving 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030; and further,
- Study the potential effects the 30x30 initiative may have on the State of Kansas, including, but not limited to, private property rights and effects on the agriculture
industry, and potentially make recommendations to the 2022 Legislature on legislation.
The Committee membership will consist of members of the House Committee on Agriculture, House Committee on Water, and Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Approved Meeting Days: 2 days