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2023 Special Committee on Foreign Adversary Investments and Land Purchases

Agenda/Minutes   • Report

Sen. Mike Thompson, Chairperson
Sen. Ethan Corson
Sen. Rick Kloos
Sen. Virgil Peck
Sen. Kellie Warren
Rep. Ken Rahjes, Vice-chairperson
Rep. Dennis "Boog" Highberger
Rep. Nick Hoheisel
Rep. Susan Humphries
Rep. Lisa Moser
Rep. Rui Xu
Kansas Legislative Research Dept. Office of Revisor of Statutes
Jordan Milholland
Meredith Fry
Steven Wu
Jason Long
Amelia Kovar-Donohue
Kyle Hamilton
Committee Assistant
Lea Gerard

Study Topic

Approved Meeting Days: 2 days

Committee Archive:

Kansas Legislative Research Department - Room 68-W State Capitol Building, 300 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1504 -- Phone (785) 296-3181 -- kslegres@klrd.ks.gov